Tuesday, May 6, 2008

New Community - Linguistics Postgraduate Program 2007

It is such a quite long time not to write here. It seems that time, 24 hours in a day, is not enough for me to do things I used to do. Well, Life is changing and many new things happened in every single day.
Here, I have something to tell. I joined a new community, the linguistics class in Universitas Padjadjaran-Bandung. It is always interesting to be there. Many nice faces and cheerful friends, I have. Sometimes I call some of them crazy for not behaving like what they should be. Ah...dasar ibu-ibu..., ibu-ibu gaul! Those words are quite often heard.
It is nice to have them. My previous life is back even though it means that I have to spare more time to take the study. Now, I have so many friends, I am able to have a chit-chat with them, hang out with them...O...fantastic!
My class consists of 13 people: Mulyo Artono, Helmie, Erhulinawati, Puspita Sari, Diana Anggraeni, Rafica Sari, Vita, Ester, Atik, and Rohannah Hajeeyusoh, a Thai student. They are all nice. We get together in a class will mean something, that we will get into big problem of finishing the study.
Yes...and it is going to be a lot more to tell.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Itwas very nice to meeting him, D. Colin Osborne, a very famous scientist from England. I never thought before I would be able to meet such a person.
Dr. Colin Osborne is a chemistry expert. He wrote many books. He is the expert of pedagogy education, as well. The most interesting one is that he is so humble and handsome, I think, for a man on his age. His experience of teaching is marvelous. Wow...it is amazing that he has been teaching for about 24 years. Now he works for Royal Society of Chemistry, the biggest charity science institution in Europe. That makes me amazed too that he intends to work for a charitable institution. Many things can be gained from him. He has a broad mind that was why many teachers here like talking with him to exchange information.
UK-Indonesia Chemistry Education Linking Workshop was a good event for me, local teachers, and staff of SEDC. Great then.... I hope we will be able to meet again. Thank you for your kindness and science materials as well.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


With a little of regret I tried to take a formal test for entering Master Program of English Literature. Eventhough it is not really a new subject to me, it demands an extra courage to decide and take the line.
On July 2nd, 2007, I took a test consisting of written and spoken/ interview. It was my old-smart-lecturer, Mr. Dudih Zuhud I heard he is a professor now. He is my interviewer. What a smart person, he is! He asked me a few questions. It was about my previous study, job, family and he gave me a slight of becoming day later. He said that it is going to be a very very hard day and it will require time and heavy responsibilities to get such a master degree. I fully understand what it is going to be. I do only hope that I will be able to pass it through.
It seems that now I am truly choosing the right thing to start. I decided to take English Literature as my major study. Moreover, if there is any offer to take scholarship or sort of, I am going to choose English as my biggest interest. Pray me!

Thursday, June 21, 2007


"Ibu...ibu, Alif mo maam ma kaki ayam" that was Alif said when he was hungry. Suddenly I was really surprise how come he liked fried or baked chicken. He never liked such a food before. Well, it quite makes me excited. I like feeding and watching my little baby eating. Now he has his own favourite food. So, from now on...I have my own agenda and special menu for him. Be healty and grown up, Baby! Alif...I like you and love you as well. I'll give anything you want. That is my knight should be.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Linguistics is the science of language. It describes and elaborates formula of speech. Human have certain pattern of communication, especially in the figure of speeches. It has something to do with words, pattern, habit, and culture. It has connection with other parts of human life. Without language, we can't even imagine how the world could be.

From the linguistics side, we can conclude or even judge how real something is. We can analyze the characters, phsycological condition, habit, and the depth of thought of one's.

Many linguists have argued what they thought to be known which are theories, hypotesis, or just a glimpse of social trends. It would be great to find out how people develop their life by their habit, humanity sense, and culture, as well.

P.S: Something reminds me of old things to be a new things 'once more' in my life.

Friday, June 15, 2007


No matter how brave someone is, he must have something to be afraid of. So do I. I am really afraid of separation to something or someone that I love or like very very much. I am afraid of losing it.
In this case, I am afraid of losing my cheerful friends at Program Section in this office that I work with for years. I really have no idea if someday we are separated for the sake of new system. Hope everything will be running well. Hope everybody has great expectation of THAT new system. Hopefully so.....

Thursday, June 14, 2007

ALIF: The Lovely Son

April 29th, 2005 was about the great day. A cute little baby was born in this world. A Huge change happened in me, my hubby, and of course I was going to have my own little family. His very first weight was 2.9 Kgs. Day by day he grows up and now he is being a smart two-year boy. His biggest interest is wacthing 'The Cars' Movie. He is amazed by MacQueen 'The Lightning'. Tiger, Lion, and turtle are his favorite animals, and one more...he really likes to sing 'naik kereta api tut...tut....tuuut!'. He is a boy that can't help seeing camera, he's always in action. There are so many things to tell about him. I love him so.