Tuesday, May 6, 2008

New Community - Linguistics Postgraduate Program 2007

It is such a quite long time not to write here. It seems that time, 24 hours in a day, is not enough for me to do things I used to do. Well, Life is changing and many new things happened in every single day.
Here, I have something to tell. I joined a new community, the linguistics class in Universitas Padjadjaran-Bandung. It is always interesting to be there. Many nice faces and cheerful friends, I have. Sometimes I call some of them crazy for not behaving like what they should be. Ah...dasar ibu-ibu..., ibu-ibu gaul! Those words are quite often heard.
It is nice to have them. My previous life is back even though it means that I have to spare more time to take the study. Now, I have so many friends, I am able to have a chit-chat with them, hang out with them...O...fantastic!
My class consists of 13 people: Mulyo Artono, Helmie, Erhulinawati, Puspita Sari, Diana Anggraeni, Rafica Sari, Vita, Ester, Atik, and Rohannah Hajeeyusoh, a Thai student. They are all nice. We get together in a class will mean something, that we will get into big problem of finishing the study.
Yes...and it is going to be a lot more to tell.